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Creating a Self-Extracting Archive

Use the Make .Exe File entry in the Actions menu to convert the open archive to a self-extracting archive. Self-extracting archives have an extension of .EXE, and can be run as commands. When a self-extracting archive is run, the files in the archive are automatically extracted. This is convenient, because the end user does not need an unzip program (like WinZip®) to extract files from these self-extracting archives.

When working with a Zip file, this operation normally runs WinZip Self-Extractor Personal Edition, but you can also configure WinZip to use another program. When working with an LZH file, this operation runs the external LHA program with the s option. When working with an ARJ file, this operation runs the external ARJ program with the y option. For details on configuring WinZip to work with external programs, see the sections titled System Requirements and Installing Optional External Programs.
