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System Requirements
WinZip® requires Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista.
No other programs are required to add
or extract files from Zip files. However, some optional WinZip
operations do require external programs or files:
- Optional support for some older formats (ARC, ARJ, and LHA) requires one of
the supported programs listed below. For step-by-step instructions on
installing these programs see the section titled Installing Optional External
Here are more details on some of the optional
- You can create self-extracting Zip files with WinZip Self-Extractor Personal Edition, included
with WinZip, or you can use the full WinZip
Self-Extractor, a companion product, which includes features tailored
for software distribution and the ability to create a single self-extracting
Zip file that can be run under Windows.
- To access LZH files, the LHA.EXE program is required. For the latest
information on obtaining LHA.EXE, visit the WinZip web site. WinZip will not work
with versions earlier than LHA 2.13 (in particular, it will not function with
LHARC, the predecessor to LHA).
- To access ARJ files, the ARJ program from Robert Jung is required. You can
download the shareware version of ARJ from the Internet and the major online
services. For the latest version supported by WinZip, visit the
WinZip web site. WinZip will not work with
versions earlier than ARJ 2.5 (in particular, it will not function with ARJ32).
- To access ARC files, one of the following programs is required:
- ARCE.COM and ARC-E.COM version 4.0e - Vern Buerg's ARC
extraction utility, available from the Internet and the major online services. WinZip
was not tested with earlier versions.
- PKXARC.COM version 3.5 from PKWARE, Inc. WinZip was not
tested with earlier versions. This program may still be available from some
Internet locations.
- PKXARC.EXE version 3.6 from PKWARE, Inc. This program may
still be available from some Internet locations.
- PKUNPAK.EXE version 3.61 from PKWARE, Inc. This program
may still be available from some Internet locations.
- ARC.EXE version 5.20 or 6.0 from System Enhancement
Associates, Inc. This is the last version of ARC available as shareware, and may
still be available from some Internet locations. WinZip was not tested with earlier
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