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Sending Files using Internet Mail

If you have a direct connection to the Internet, you may already be using an e-mail program that allows you to attach files to messages. However, many e-mail programs, including MSMail, cannot easily transfer files to Internet addresses. WinZip® allows you to send and receive files using nearly any e-mail program, including MSMail.

Note: If your e-mail program does have the ability to transfer files, consider using WinZip to compress them before transfer -- it will usually take far less time since the file will be smaller. If the recipients are unfamiliar with Zip files, you can use WinZip to create a self-extracting archive for their convenience.


UUencoded, XXencoded, BinHex, and MIME files

Sending Files using Internet Mail

The Why behind UUencoding and Other Schemes

Receiving and Preparing Files for Decoding

Decoding Files using WinZip

UUencoding a File using WinZip

Mailing a UUencoded File

Hints, Tips, & Troubleshooting


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