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UUencoding a File using WinZip
WinZip® UUencodes Zip files for mailing, so you must
choose and open an existing Zip file to encode or create a new one.
- If the file is already archived as a Zip file, open it in WinZip using your
favorite method.
- If the file(s) you wish to send are not already archived, use WinZip to
create a Zip file, and leave the program open for the next step.
- Click the Actions menu item, and choose UUencode.
A UUencoded file has been created from your Zip file. For
example, you will find a TESTFILE.UUE file in the same folder along with your
original TESTFILE.ZIP.
UUencoded, XXencoded,
BinHex, and MIME files
Sending Files using Internet
The Why behind UUencoding
and Other Schemes
Receiving and Preparing Files for
Decoding Files using WinZip
UUencoding a
File using WinZip
Mailing a UUencoded File
Hints, Tips, & Troubleshooting
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