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Support and Questions

To check whether you have the most recent version of WinZip®, please check the WinZip home page.

Please see the section titled Frequently Asked Questions for answers to common questions.

Technical support is available at no charge as described below. The best way to report problems is with the support forms available from the "Support" link on the WinZip home page. You can also send e-mail to address shown on the WinZip web site's contact page, or postal mail to WinZip Computing, P.O. Box 540, Mansfield CT 06268.

When reporting problems, please include the following information:

  1. Is the problem reproducible? If so, how?
  2. What version of Windows are you running (Windows 2000, Windows XP, etc.)?
  3. What version of WinZip are you running? (To see what version of WinZip you have, choose About WinZip from the Help menu.) Please include the entire "version" line in your problem report.
  4. If a dialog box with an error message was displayed, please include the full text of the dialog box, including the text in the title bar.
  5. If the problem involves an external program such as LHA.EXE, what version of the failing program are you using? Please see the section titled System Requirements for minimum version numbers for these programs.

Note: You can press F1 at any time while WinZip is active for context sensitive help.

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