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WinZip Jobs and the Job Wizard
What are WinZip jobs?
WinZip® jobs automate the process of creating and updating Zip
files. They are great for your repetitive zipping tasks, such as:
- Periodic data backups
- Periodic data archival
- Periodic packaging and transmission of reports, spreadsheets, etc.
WinZip jobs let you specify what files you want zipped, how you want them zipped,
and where the resulting Zip files should go. If you want to fully automate the
process, you can even specify when you want them to run.
You can create your own jobs using the WinZip Job Wizard, or you can use
pre-configured jobs, included with WinZip Pro, to quickly zip common items
such as My Documents, the Desktop, or your Outlook or Outlook Express
The Job Wizard
The easy-to-use Job Wizard helps you create your own jobs. It guides you, in
a few quick steps, through the process of specifying exactly how your job should
Using the Job Wizard you can specify:
- Which files and folders you want to zip, and how they should
be compressed.
- What the Zip file should be named and where it should go. Zip file
names can include variable components such as the date and time so that
new Zip files won't overwrite existing Zip files.
- How you want file attributes and dates to be used when evaluating which files
should be zipped, and whether existing Zip files should be replaced or
updated. (For those familiar with standard backup programs, these options
combine to specify backup types such as "normal", "incremental",
"differential", etc.)
- Whether you want to encrypt files when they are zipped.
- What folder information should be stored in the Zip file.
- Whether the job should be scheduled to run automatically and, if so,
- Whether the Zip file created by the job should be sent to a
remote location via FTP and/or e-mail.
The Job Wizard allows you to set many other options, yet it is very easy to use. For example,
the only thing that it requires you to specify is which files you
want to zip; the Wizard will supply reasonable values for all the remaining
Where can I learn more?
Important notes
- WinZip jobs are intended for data backup and archival only.
WinZip's job feature is not designed or intended for use as a full system backup utility.
For example, WinZip jobs may not be able to zip files that are currently in use,
including Windows system files. For system backups you should use tools
specifically designed for that purpose.
- Please read and understand the security
considerations of WinZip jobs before you create or run any jobs.
- Although WinZip jobs are very powerful, and are suitable for most users,
advanced users and system administrators should consider using the WinZip
Command Line Support Add-On for their most exacting needs. WinZip jobs can
perform most tasks efficiently, but cannot, for example, select files for
zipping based on their dates. If you find that the Job Wizard does not provide
all of the options you need for a particular task, try the Command Line Support
Add-On. The add-on is free for registered WinZip Pro users and is available
from the WinZip web site.
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