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WinZip Pro feature

Using the WinZip Job Wizard

You will use the WinZip® Job Wizard to create new jobs and to examine or edit existing jobs.

To create a new WinZip job

  1. Click Create from WinZip's Jobs menu.
  2. In the Create WinZip Job File dialog, specify the name of the job file that you want to create and the folder in which it should be stored, then click OK. Note: the extension of WinZip job files is always "WJF".

  3. Proceed through the Job Wizard as described below.

To examine or modify an existing WinZip job

  1. Click Edit from WinZip's Jobs menu, navigate to the folder containing the job you want to examine or modify, select the job file, and click OK,


    Right-click the job (.WJF) file in Windows Explorer and choose Edit with WinZip from the context menu.

  2. Proceed through the Job Wizard as described below.

Using the Job Wizard

The Job Wizard guides you through the process of creating and editing WinZip jobs. Simply select your desired options in each panel and click Next to move on to the next.

At any time after you have specified the files and/or folders to be zipped (in the first panel), you can click Finish to save the job in its current state. If it is a new job, WinZip will use common settings for the remaining options; if it is an existing job, the remaining settings will be saved unchanged. Note: we recommend that you proceed all the way through the Job Wizard the first few times so that you can learn about the available options and see how WinZip sets them.

The full Job Wizard proceeds through six easy steps. Click the links below to see detailed help for each step. Remember that you can always click the Help button at the bottom of the Job Wizard window to see help for the current step.

  1. Select Files/Folders: select the files and/or folders you want to be zipped and specify any filters to be used when including or excluding files.
  2. Choose Job Type: specify the type of job you want to create. For example, a "normal" job zips all specified files, regardless of attributes; an "incremental" job zips only files that have been modified since the last time the job was run or the disk was backed up.
  3. Specify Job Options: specify various options for your job: what type of compression to use, whether files should be encrypted, etc.
  4. Specify Zip File: set the name of the Zip file to be created and specify where it will be stored.
  5. Review Settings: this panel displays all of your job settings for review.
  6. Specifications Complete: the final panel allows you to set a schedule for your job to run automatically, to set up an FTP transfer of the completed Zip file at the end of a job run, e-mail the completed Zip file at the end of a job run and to automatically run the job when the Job Wizard closes.

Related Topics:

WinZip Jobs and the Job Wizard

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