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WinZip Pro feature

Select Files/Folders (WinZip Job Wizard)

This panel allows you to select the files and folders to be zipped by your WinZip® job. You can also specify filters, which refine your file selections when the job is run.


This list shows the current set of files and folders to be included and excluded. The Action column shows what action will be applied to each item. Inc indicates that the item will be included, and Exc indicates that it will be excluded. Folders may also show the indicator Sub, which indicates that the action will also apply to subfolders of the folder.

In the sample screen above, file "Chktree.txt" will be zipped, along with the "Sales" folder and all of its subfolders except "2001" (and its subfolders, if there are any).

The Files/Folders list is not edited directly. To select the files and folders you want to include and exclude, click the Files/Folders button, which will display the Select Items dialog. In the Select Items dialog, simply check the files and folders you want included. When you click OK, your selections will appear in the Files/Folders list.


Filters are used to refine your file selections. For example, you can use exclude filters to skip files that match wildcard patterns that you specify, and you can use include filters to zip only files matching wildcard patterns.

To create or modify filters, click the Filters button. Details on how to use filters and the Filters dialog can be found here.

Specified folder names or generic folder names

Some common system folders such as My Documents and Program Files can be specified in your job either "as specified" or using "generic names". When generic names are used, the actual name you selected (such as C:\Program Files) will be replaced by a generic name (such as <ProgramFiles>). Your choice should be governed by how the job will be used.

Related Topics

Next panel: Choose Job Type

WinZip Jobs and the Job Wizard

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