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What is WinRAR
WinRAR is a 32-bit Windows version of the RAR archiver
- a powerful tool which allows you to create, manage and control archive
files. There are several versions of RAR, for a number of operating
environments: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, DOS,
OS/2, MacOS X.
There are two versions of RAR for Windows:
WinRAR features
- Complete support of RAR
and ZIP 2.0 archives;
- Highly sophisticated, original compression algorithm;
- Special algorithms optimized for text, audio, graphics, 32-bit
and 64-bit Intel executables compression;
- Shell interface including
drag-and-drop facility and
- Command line interface;
- Non RAR archives (7Z,
) management;
- Solid archiving, which
can raise compression ratio by 10% - 50% over more common methods,
particularly when packing a large number of small, similar files;
- Multivolume archives;
- Creation of self-extracting
archives (also multivolume) using the default or optional SFX modules;
- Recovering physically
damaged archives;
- Recovery volumes allowing
to reconstruct missing parts of multivolume archives.
- Unicode support in file names;
- Other service functions, such as
encryption, archive comments
, error logging, etc.
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