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Name/Value |
Description |
Cache=[ yes|no] |
Enables or disables caching of partially decoded pages. (See Setting Preferences.) |
DisplayGamma=# |
Gamma correction setting used for onscreen display. (See Setting Preferences.) |
DisplayMode=[color|bw|fore|back] |
Sets initial display mode as Color, Mask, Foreground or Background. |
Flags=… |
Allows any of the other properties flags to be assigned in any valid combination. When you use multiple attributes, enclose them in quotation marks and separate them with spaces. Example: flags="menu=false frame=true logo=yes zoom=134 mode=color" This option is provided as a convenience and should not be used with the cgi-style argument-passing mechanism due to complications arising from parsing quote-delimited strings. |
Frame=[yes|no] |
Enables or disables the border that frames the image when the image fits entirely within the control. |
Halign=[left|center|right] |
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the image when the whole page fits inside of the display window |
HelpURL=<url> |
A URL that points to the Help File. If a local help file is not found (Help/<language>/index.html from the directory where the control resides), the plug-in launches the default browser to this URL. CmdHelp() also launches this URL. |
HyperlinkShowAllKey=[“Shift”|Ctrl”] |
Sets “Show all Hyperlinks” hot key. Also sets the “Magnifying Glass” hot key. (See Setting Preferences.) |
HyperlinkSimpleBorder=[yes|no] |
Enables fast drawing of hyperlink borders (XOR). (See Setting Preferences.) |
Keyboard =[yes|no] |
Enables or disables the use of keyboard shortcuts. |
Layout=[single|double][,cover| nocover][,gap|nogap][,ltor|rtol] |
Specifies the initial layout of the document. |
Logo=[yes|no] |
Enables display of the LogoImage file while a document is loading. |
LogoImage=<file path> |
A bmp file to be displayed when the DjVu image is loading. File path can be local (relative to module path) or absolute. If NULL, then the default “DjVu” logo is specified. Default: NULL |
MagSize=# (50-300) |
Size, in pixels of the magnifying glass. (See Setting Preferences.) |
MagZoom=# (2-5) |
Magnification factor of the magnifying glass. (See Setting Preferences.) |
MaxCacheSize=# |
Set the size of the decode cache in MB. A value of 0 is the same as setting Cache = no. (See Setting Preferences.) |
Menu=[yes|no] Menu=yes-File[,Selection] Menu=yes-Selection[,File] |
Enables or disables the context menu. Optionally allows the removal of the File and/or Selection menu option to provide security. IMPORTANT: Disabling the File or Selection menu options does not remove or disable the corresponding buttons (Save, Print, etc) on the toolbar. These must be removed from the toolbar separately. See the Toolbar property below for more information. NOTE: To disable the Internet Explorer print functionality you must remove both the File menu option and the Print button. Removing only one or the other leaves the Internet Explorer print functionality enabled. |
MouseMode=[pan|zoom|textsel] |
Determines behavior of dragging mouse: panning the image, select zoom or select text. |
NavPane=[outline|thumbnails|none], [top|bottom|left|right] |
Display and location of the navigation pane Example: myDjVu.navpane=thumbnails,left |
Page= =[<ID>|<number>] |
Sets page to display, either by name (ID) or number (1 … number of pages) |
PostError=[yes|no] |
If True, then error messages are posted via dialog boxes. Otherwise they are only available via the Error event and GetLastDjVuError method. Default: True |
Prefetch=[yes|no] |
Prefetching begins to gather data for the next page in a multipage document so that it will appear more quickly when user goes to that page. If true, prefetching is enabled. (See Setting Preferences.) Default= True |
PrintGamma=# |
Gamma correction setting used for printing. (See Setting Preferences.) |
PrintHighQuality=[yes|no] |
If true then the image is sent to the printer at full resolution. Otherwise it is downsampled by a factor of 2). (See Setting Preferences.) |
PrintMatchScreen=[yes|no] |
If true then DisplayGamma and PrintGamma are forced to be the same. Changing one will also change the other. (See Setting Preferences.) |
Rotate=[0|90|180|270] |
Specifies current orientation (degrees counter-clockwise). |
ScrollBars=[yes|no] |
Enables or disables the scrollbars that appear when the zoom level make the image too big to fit in the display window. |
ShowPosition="<x>,<y>" |
Position of original image to be displayed. Position is given as a fraction between 0,0 (upper left) to (1,1) lower right. The plug-in will try to position this point as close as it can to the center using the current window size and zoom factor. Example: showposition="0.50, 0.50" |
SRC =<url> |
Specifies location and access method for the DjVu document. Examples: SRC="file://d:/sampleimages/inhocannodomini.djvu" SRC=" samples/brattain/directory.djvu" |
ThumbnailFast=[yes|no] |
Enables display of thumbnails only for those pages which have already been downloaded. (See Setting Preferences.) |
ThumbnailSmart=[yes|no] |
Tells the plug-in to request thumbnails that are visible in the navigation pane (as opposed to strict sequential order). (See Setting Preferences.) |
Toolbar=[yes|no] Toolbar=[top|bottom] Toolbar=[autohide|fixed] Toolbar=[[+|-]<button>, ...] |
Allow you to customize the toolbar. <top> and <bottom> options specify the location of the toolbar. <autohide> and <fixed> options cause the toolbar to appear only when the user moves the mouse over the toolbar area or at all times. <button> options allow you to add and remove toolbar button and buttons sets. Can be any of: fore (foreground) back (background) color bw zoom (zoom in and zoom out) rescombo (resolution combo box) pan zoomsel (select zoom) textsel (select text) search save rotate backforw (screen forward and backward) pagecombo (pick page combo box) firstlastpage (first and last page) prevnextpage (previous and next page) thumbnail (show/hide thumbnails) doublepage (double/single page) lizard (LizardTech Web site link) ruler (measurement tool) calibrate
Examples: toolbar=autohide toolbar=autohide-print,fore,back,color,bw,save toolbar=bottom,autohide-print,fore,back,color,bw,save NOTE: To disable the Internet Explorer print functionality you must remove both the File menu option and the Print button. Removing only one or the other leaves the Internet Explorer print functionality enabled. |
Valign=[top|center|bottom] |
Specifies the vertical alignment of the image when the whole page fits inside of the display window |
Zoom=[<number>|one2one| width|page|stretch] |
Specifies initial zoom level as a (number)% of original size, one2one (1:1 or original size), Width (fit width), Page (fit page) or Stretch (stretch to fit – distorts). |
ZoomFast=[yes|no] |
Enables fast zooming (integer factors only) for “fit” resolutions (“fit page”, “fit width”). (See Setting Preferences.) |
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