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CSpStreamFormat::ParamValidateAssignFormat validates the format ID and wave format. If successful, creates the stream using AssignFormat.

HRESULT ParamValidateAssignFormat(
   REFGUID               rguidFormatId,
   const WAVEFORMATEX   *pWaveFormatEx,
   BOOL                  fRequireWaveFormat = FALSE


The reference format ID of the requesting stream.
The wave format of the requesting stream.
Optional Boolean indicating to create the stream only if the wave format is of a standard type. It is FALSE by default and may be omitted. TRUE, allows the creation of custom formats.

Return values

Value Description
E_INVALIDARG At least one of pWaveFormatEx is NULL, pWaveFormatEx is bad or invalid, rguidFormatId is not SPDFID_WaveFormatEx, or pWaveFormatEx is a non-standard format and is disallowed by fRequireWaveFormat.

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