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SAPI 5.1


ISpStreamFormat::GetFormat passes back the cached format of the stream.

SAPI uses this data to determine how to handle the stream data present in the underlying IStream.

HRESULT GetFormat(
   GUID           *pguidFormatId,
   WAVEFORMATEX  **ppCoMemWaveFormatEx


Address of a pointer to GUID data object that receives the format of the stream being used. This is typically either SPDFID_Text or SPDFID_WaveFormatEx.
Address of a pointer to a WAVEFORMATEX data structure that receives the wave file format information. This is only applicable when the return GUID is SPDFID_WaveFormatEx. SAPI allocates the memory for the WAVEFORMATEX data structure using CoTaskMemAlloc, but it is the caller's responsibility to call CoTaskMemFree on the returned WAVEFORMATEX pointer.

Return values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully.
E_POINTER Pointer is locating a memory block that is NULL or either too small or is not writable.
SPERR_UNINITIALIZED The object has not been properly initialized.
SPERR_STREAM_CLOSED The stream is closed or unavailable.

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