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When you finish the project or an expert has finished the job, its status should be changed to Completed.
Completing Client Jobs, Corporate Jobs and Freelance Jobs. To mark Client/Corporate/Freelance Job as Completed, double-click it on Tree/Corporate Jobs/Freelance Jobs page. Edit Client/Corporate/Freelance Job window will appear. Mark the Job as Completed by clicking the checkbox and buttons in the right lower part of the window:
When the Job is marked as Completed, you may change the time of its completion by clicking drop-down arrow button and selecting the necessary date in the calendar.
When the status of the Corporate or Freelance Job is changed to Completed, its color on Corporate/Freelance Jobs page will become black.
Completing projects To mark the Project as completed, go to Main page and click Timeline button:
Edit Project Timeline window will appear:
In this window you can change the Project dates and mark the Project as completed. When the Project is marked as Completed, its color in the Project list on Main page becomes black.
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