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Payments to Freelancers can be viewed and managed from two locations in Projetex 2006:
Payments page of the Freelancer window
The general view of the Payments page of the Freelancer window:
Using Status drop-down list you can select to view only Linked or not Linked with POs Payments. Click New button to add a new Payment record. In the New Freelance Payment window appeared you can enter the payment details and link it with a PO. See New Freelance Payment window for details. After you click OK in the New Freelance Payment window the new Freelance Payments is added to the database. You can change the Freelance Payment details, edit links with POs and save the Payment using .rtf templates in the Edit Freelance Payment window. To open click the Edit having selected the necessary record or double-click the record. Working with Payment details in the Edit Freelance Payment window is absolutely similar to the procedure of adding the details in the New Freelance Payment window. More details...
The only important additional option available from the Edit Freelance Payment window is importing the Payment to the .rtf/.doc/.pdf file using custom templates. For this select the template from the RTF Templates drop-down list at the bottom of the Edit Freelance Payment window and click one of the buttons according to your needs (you can save the invoice, save and open it at once or just print): More details on .rtf templates...
You can see the total numbers for all payments of current freelancer using the Calculate Totals button. It is located in the bottom right corner of the Payments page of the Freelancer window. On Calculate Totals button click the Freelance Payments window opens where Total Payments, Linked and Not Linked numbers are displayed.
Please note, that when the Global Date Filter is applied it affects the total results displayed in the Freelance Payments window. I.e. Freelance Payments window displays the total numbers only for the payments being displayed; if some records are not displayed because of the Global Date Filter condition they are not considered in Freelance Payments window. See Also: Global Date Filter
Payments to Freelancers window On the Payments to Freelancers window you can see the list of all Payment records stored in the database.
Using Status drop-down list you can select to view only Linked or not Linked with POs Payments. You can edit any of the Payment records. For this select the necessary records and double-click it or click Edit button. Edit Freelance Payment window will open where the details of the Payment can be edited, the Payments can be saved and/or printed using .rtf templates.
You can see the total numbers for all payments to freelancers using the Calculate Totals button. It is located in the bottom right corner of the Payments to Freelancers window. On Calculate Totals button click the Freelance Payments window opens where Total Payments, Linked and Not Linked numbers are displayed.
Please note, that when the Global Date Filter is applied it affects the total results displayed in the Freelance Payments window. I.e. Freelance Payments window displays the total numbers only for the payments being displayed; if some records are not displayed because of the Global Date Filter condition they are not considered in Freelance Payments window. See Also: Global Date Filter
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