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On POs page of the Project window you can create Purchase Orders for your Freelance Experts working on the selected Project (its name is displayed in the window caption). All the Freelance Jobs you create need to be added to Purchase Orders (POs).
To open POs page, click POs tab of the Project window:
POs page is very similar to JAs page, but it is intended for freelancers. To create a new Purchase Order, click New button. Freelancer Chooser dialog box will open. Please note that the only those Experts who have Jobs in this Project will be displayed.
Press OK to choose the highlighted expert or select another expert from the list and click OK. When the Expert has been chosen, New PO window appears:
In the New PO window you can enter all the necessary purchase order information: the Jobs, additional expenses, discounts/markups if any, general notes and Expert Invoice details if it was received. See New PO window for details. Projetex 2006 automatically generates a unique code for the new Purchase Order. When the Purchase Order for the Freelance Expert has been created and its code has been generated, you need to create Purchase Order folder for the Expert. To do it, click Edit or double-click the Purchase Order in the list. Edit PO window will open:
Working with PO details in the Edit PO window is absolutely similar to the procedure of adding the details in the New PO window. The only important additional option available from the Edit PO window is importing the PO to the .rtf file using custom templates and creating the PO folder. See Edit PO window for details.
You may send this PO file to the freelance expert together with the Job files.
In the bottom right part of the POs page of the Project window there is Calculate Totals button allowing to see the sum of all issued POs, total Balance (i.e. what part of this sum is not covered with Payments and total Disconts/Markups and Taxes numbers)
You can also access the POs list from the POs to Freelancers window, where all POs from the database are displayed, and from the POs page of the Freelancer window, where only POs of the selected Freelancer are displayed. From both these locations you can only view and edit PO's. Creating and deleting records is only available from the POs page of the Project window described above.
The general view of the POs to Freelancers window:
The general view of the POs page of the Freelancer window:
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