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Rave Reports Visual Designer Colors Toolbar |
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The "Colors" tab selects the toolbar that you would use to change a color of a selected object such as a line or box or the fill area in one of the shapes, circle, ellipse, rectangle or square.
This color palette operates similar to many windows color palettes. A left click selects the foreground color while the right click selects the background color.
Double clicking on the user defined colors (bottom row of above depiction) or on the foreground and background colors will open a more detail color control window where you can create custom colors. This panel allows you to adjust and save to one of the eight user defined slots some colors that you like to use. Remember that actual displayed colors are dependent of the video card settings. So if you are set to True Color setting for your video card then the representation should be consistent with other systems with a True Color setting. However, if the other system is set for 256 colors, then that video card will adjust the color to what it perceives is the closest matching color. So it is recommended that you set your system to the same settings as your target systems when defining custom colors. After your definitions have been completed, then you can return your video settings back to where you prefer to keep them.
See Also: Alignment, Bar Code, Components, Designer, Drawing, Fills, Fonts, Lines, Project, Report, Standard, Toolbars, Zoom
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