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TDbMemoBuf |
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Unit RpDBUtil
Hierarchy TComponent | | | Description This class adds TMemoField processing to the TMemoBuf class through the Field and RTFField properties.
Methods Derived from TMemoBuf Append, AppendMemoBuf, ConstraintHeightLeft, Delete, Empty, FreeSaved, InsertMemoBuf, Insert, LoadFromFile, LoadFromStream, MemoHeightLeft, MemoLinesLeft, PrintHeight, PrintLines, ReplaceAll, Reset, RestoreBuffer, RestoreState, RTFLoadFromFile, RTFLoadFromStream, SaveBuffer, SaveState, SaveToStream, SearchFirst, SearchNext, SetData
Properties Derived from TMemoBuf BaseReport, Buffer, BufferInc, Field, Justify, MaxSize, Memo, NoCRLF, NoNewLine, Pos, PrintEnd, PrintStart, RichEdit, RTFField, RTFText, Size, Text
Properties Derived from TRpComponent
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