TCanvasReport attaches many of the abstract methods in TBaseReport to TCanvas methods and is used by all output components that write to a canvas. TRvRenderPrinter (printer canvas) and TRvRenderPreview (preview canvas) are two examples of components that descend from TCanvasReport.
Events Derived from TBaseReport
OnAfterPrint, OnBeforePrint, OnDecodeImage, OnNewColumn, OnNewPage, OnPrint, OnPrintFooter, OnPrintHeader, OnPrintPage
Methods Derived from TBaseReport
Abort, AbortPage, AdjustLine, AllowAll, AllowPreviewOnly, AllowPrinterOnly, Arc, AssignFont, BrushCopy, CalcGraphicHeight, CalcGraphicWidth, Chord, ClearAllTabs, ClearColumns, ClearTabs, CopyRect, CR, Create, CreateBrush, CreateFont, CreatePen, CreatePoint, CreateRect, Destroy, DrawFocusRect, Draw, Ellipse, Execute, FillRect, Finish, FinishTabBox, FloodFill, FrameRect, GetMemoLine, GetNextLine, GetTab, GotoFooter, GotoHeader, GotoXY, GraphicFieldToBitmap, Home, LF, LinesLeft, LineTo, Macro, MemoLines, MoveTo, NewColumn, NewLine, NewPage, NoPrinters, Pie, Polygon, Polyline, PopFont, PopPos, PopTabs, Print, PrintBitmap, PrintBitmapRect, PrintBlock, PrintCenter, PrintCharJustify, PrintData, PrintDataStream, PrintFooter, PrintHeader, PrintImageRect, PrintJustify, PrintLeft, PrintLn, PrintMemo, PrintRight, PrintTab, PrintXY, PushFont, PushPos, PushTabs, RecoverPrinter, Rectangle, RegisterGraphic, ReleasePrinter, Reset, ResetLineHeight, ResetPrinter, ResetSection, ResetTabs, RestoreFont, RestorePos, RestoreTabs, ReuseGraphic, RoundRect, SaveFont, SavePos, SaveTabs, SelectBin, SelectPaper, SelectPrinter, SetBrush, SetColumns, SetColumnWidth, SetFont, SetPaperSize, SetPen, SetPIVar, SetTab, SetTopOfPage, ShadeToColor, ShowPrintDialog, ShowPrinterSetupDialog, Start, StretchDraw, SupportBin, SupportCollate, SupportDuplex, SupportOrientation, SupportPaper, Tab, TabEnd, TabStart, TabWidth, TextRect, TextWidth, UnregisterGraphic, UpdateStatus, XD2U, XI2D, XI2U, XU2D, XU2I, YD2I, YD2U, YI2D, YI2U, YU2D, YU2I
Properties Derived from TBaseReport
Aborted, AccuracyMethod, AscentHeight, Bins, BKColor, Bold, BottomWaste, BoxLineColor, Canvas, Collate, ColumnEnd, ColumnLinesLeft, ColumnNum, Columns, ColumnStart, ColumnWidth, Copies, CurrentPage, CurrentPass, CursorXPos, CursorYPos, DescentHeight, DeviceName, DevMode, DriverName, Duplex, FileName, FirstPage, FontAlign, FontBaseline, FontBottom, FontCharset, FontColor, FontHandle, FontHeight, FontName, FontPitch, FontRotation, Fonts, FontSize, FontTop, FontWidth, FrameMode, GridVert, Italic, LastPage, LeftWaste, LineBottom, LineHeight, LineHeightMethod, LineMiddle, LineNum, LinesPerInch, LineTop, MacroData, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MaxCopies, NoBufferLine, NoNTColorFix, NoPrinterPageHeight, NoPrinterPageWidth, Orientation, OriginX, OriginY, OutputInvalid, OutputName, PageHeight, PageInvalid, PageWidth, Papers, PIVar, Port, PrinterIndex, Printers, Printing, ReportDateTime, RightWaste, ScaleX, ScaleY, SectionBottom, SectionLeft, SectionRight, SectionTop, Selection, ShadowDepth, StatusFormat, StatusLabel, StatusText, Stream, StreamMode, Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript, TabColor, TabJustify, TabShade, TextBKMode, Title, TopWaste, TotalPasses, TransparentBitmaps, TruncateText, Underline, Units, UnitsFactor, XDPI, XPos, YDPI, YPos
Properties Derived from TRpComponent