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Hierarchy TComponent | | Description The TRvProject component is the key to providing access to the visual reports you create with Rave. Normally you will have a single TRvProject component in your application, although you can have more if necessary. The ProjectFile property defines the report project file that your application uses to hold the report definitions. This file will have an extension of .RAV and even though it is a single file, it can contain as many report definitions as you need. When the Open method of TRaveReport is called, this report project file will be loaded into memory to prepare for printing or end-user design changes. You should make sure that the Close method is called when you no longer need the report project or before you close your application. If any changes are made to the report project you can save them by calling the Save method. TRvProject also has several properties and methods, such as SelectReport, GetReportList, ReportDescToMemo, ReportDesc, ReportName and ReportFullName to make it easy to create an efficient interface for your users. See the RAVEDEMO project for a good example of how to define a Rave interface.
The Engine property of TRvProject allows you to define an alternate output engine to be used. This allows you to output Rave reports through the Text, RTF or HTML filer components or to define custom setup and preview screens through the TRvSystem component.
TRvProject Events OnAfterClose, OnAfterOpen, OnBeforeClose, OnBeforeOpen, OnCreate, OnDesignerSave, OnDesignerSaveAs, OnDesignerShow, OnDestroy
TRvProject Methods ClearRaveBlob, Close, Design, DesignReport, Execute, ExecuteReport, GetParam, GetReportCategoryList, GetReportList, LoadFromFile, LoadFromStream, LoadRaveBlob, Open, ReportDescToMemo, Save, SaveRaveBlob, SaveToFile, SaveToStream, SelectReport, SetParam
TRvProject Properties Active, DLLFile, Engine, LoadDesigner, ProjectFile, RaveBlobDateTime, ReportDesc, ReportFullName, ReportName, StoreRAV
TRpComponent Properties |
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