The TRvNDRWriter component is used in conjunction with TRvRenderPrinter and TRvRenderPreview to store a report in a special binary format until it is ready to be printed or previewed.
Properties and Events
TRvNDRWriter has properties and events to control file output. AccuracyMethod determines the way that strings are output for more accurate print preview. FileName is the file that will be created if StreamMode is anything other than smUser. Use smFile for large reports (>10 pages or lots of bitmaps) and smMemory for smaller reports (< 10 pages). To send a report to a file call the Execute method.
The binary file that TRvNDRWriter creates does not contain actual printer commands (such as PCL) but rather a custom tokenized version of the report. This format is not officially documented but the source code that writes the file is located in RpFBASE.PAS and RpFILER.PAS and the source code that reads the file is located in RpFPRINT.PAS. These files should be located in \RAVE\SOURCE.
Events Derived from TBaseReport
OnAfterPrint, OnBeforePrint, OnDecodeImage, OnNewColumn, OnNewPage, OnPrint, OnPrintFooter, OnPrintHeader, OnPrintPage
Methods Derived from TBaseReport
Abort, AbortPage, AdjustLine, AllowAll, AllowPreviewOnly, AllowPrinterOnly, Arc, AssignFont, BrushCopy, CalcGraphicHeight, CalcGraphicWidth, Chord, ClearAllTabs, ClearColumns, ClearTabs, CopyRect, CR, Create, CreateBrush, CreateFont, CreatePen, CreatePoint, CreateRect, Destroy, DrawFocusRect, Draw, Ellipse, Execute, FillRect, Finish, FinishTabBox, FloodFill, FrameRect, GetMemoLine, GetNextLine, GetTab, GotoFooter, GotoHeader, GotoXY, GraphicFieldToBitmap, Home, LF, LinesLeft, LineTo, Macro, MemoLines, MoveTo, NewColumn, NewLine, NewPage, NoPrinters, Pie, Polygon, Polyline, PopFont, PopPos, PopTabs, Print, PrintBitmap, PrintBitmapRect, PrintBlock, PrintCenter, PrintCharJustify, PrintData, PrintDataStream, PrintFooter, PrintHeader, PrintImageRect, PrintJustify, PrintLeft, PrintLn, PrintMemo, PrintRight, PrintTab, PrintXY, PushFont, PushPos, PushTabs, RecoverPrinter, Rectangle, RegisterGraphic, ReleasePrinter, Reset, ResetLineHeight, ResetPrinter, ResetSection, ResetTabs, RestoreFont, RestorePos, RestoreTabs, ReuseGraphic, RoundRect, SaveFont, SavePos, SaveTabs, SelectBin, SelectPaper, SelectPrinter, SetBrush, SetColumns, SetColumnWidth, SetFont, SetPaperSize, SetPen, SetPIVar, SetTab, SetTopOfPage, ShadeToColor, ShowPrintDialog, ShowPrinterSetupDialog, Start, StretchDraw, SupportBin, SupportCollate, SupportDuplex, SupportOrientation, SupportPaper, Tab, TabEnd, TabStart, TabWidth, TextRect, TextWidth, UnregisterGraphic, UpdateStatus, XD2U, XI2D, XI2U, XU2D, XU2I, YD2I, YD2U, YI2D, YI2U, YU2D, YU2I
Properties Derived from TBaseReport
Aborted, AccuracyMethod, AscentHeight, Bins, BKColor, Bold, BottomWaste, BoxLineColor, Canvas, Collate, ColumnEnd, ColumnLinesLeft, ColumnNum, Columns, ColumnStart, ColumnWidth, Copies, CurrentPage, CurrentPass, CursorXPos, CursorYPos, DescentHeight, DeviceName, DevMode, DriverName, Duplex, FileName, FirstPage, FontAlign, FontBaseline, FontBottom, FontCharset, FontColor, FontHandle, FontHeight, FontName, FontPitch, FontRotation, Fonts, FontSize, FontTop, FontWidth, FrameMode, GridVert, Italic, LastPage, LeftWaste, LineBottom, LineHeight, LineHeightMethod, LineMiddle, LineNum, LinesPerInch, LineTop, MacroData, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MaxCopies, NoBufferLine, NoNTColorFix, NoPrinterPageHeight, NoPrinterPageWidth, Orientation, OriginX, OriginY, OutputInvalid, OutputName, PageHeight, PageInvalid, PageWidth, Papers, PIVar, Port, PrinterIndex, Printers, Printing, ReportDateTime, RightWaste, ScaleX, ScaleY, SectionBottom, SectionLeft, SectionRight, SectionTop, Selection, ShadowDepth, StatusFormat, StatusLabel, StatusText, Stream, StreamMode, Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript, TabColor, TabJustify, TabShade, TextBKMode, Title, TopWaste, TotalPasses, TransparentBitmaps, TruncateText, Underline, Units, UnitsFactor, XDPI, XPos, YDPI, YPos
Properties Derived from TRpComponent