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Welcome to TsiLang Components Suite!


The problem of globalization is sooner or later arising for all software companies and developers, who intend to distribute their applications worldwide and wish to create localized versions for the different foreign markets. Using the TsiLang Components Suite for the applications developed in the framework of Borland® Delphi™, C++Builder™, or Kylix™ is the best solution of the problem in many aspects.

TsiLang Components Suite includes a number of highly professional, easy-to-use VCL components, wizards and tools for building multilingual applications. From the one hand our product radically simplifies the entire process of globalization and from the other hand it allows you to provide your customers with elegant, user-friendly applications that can switch from one user interface language to another on-the-fly. 


To find out more about the TsiLang Components Suite see the following topics:



For the most current information and updates please visit TsiLang Components Suite home page at:


SiComponents home page:




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