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Working with the Explorer Context Menu
You can initiate most common operations on archives from
My Computer or Windows Explorer context menus. In many cases, you won't even
need to display or use the main WinZip® window.
Unzipping files from My Computer or Windows
- Right click a Zip file in a Windows Explorer window, then choose
WinZip from the context menu and pick the appropriate Extract
choice from the WinZip submenu. You can extract to the current folder
("here"), a recently used folder, a new subfolder created by WinZip,
or any folder of your choice.
- Or, use the right mouse button to drag and drop a Zip file from a Windows
Explorer window to any folder, then choose Extract to from the context
menu. Be sure to use the right mouse button while dragging.
- You can extract from multiple Zip files in one operation, too: just select
the Zip files in Explorer, right click any of the selected files, choose
WinZip from the context menu, and pick the appropriate Extract
choice from the WinZip submenu.
Zipping files from My Computer or Windows
- Select one or more files in a Windows Explorer window, then right click any
of the selected files, choose WinZip from the context menu, and pick the
appropriate Add choice from the WinZip submenu. You can create a new Zip
file or you can add the files to any existing Zip file.
- Alternatively, select one or more files, then drag and drop them on an
existing Zip file in the same Explorer window, in another Explorer window, or on
the desktop. Note that you can create a new, empty Zip file in Explorer by
right clicking and then choosing WinZip File from the New submenu.
Compressing and e-mailing files and folders from My
Computer or Windows Explorer
- Select one or more files or folders in a Windows Explorer window, then right
click any of the selected items, click WinZip from the context menu, and
choose one of the Zip and E-Mail entries from the WinZip submenu. Zip
and E-Mail filename.zip quickly compresses the selected items,
creates a temporary Zip file with the specified name, and attaches it to a new
e-mail message. Zip and E-Mail Plus performs the same basic operation
but allows you to apply encryption and to specify the name of the
temporary Zip file to be created.
For a complete list of the actions available from the
context menu, see the Explorer context menu
See also
Using the
Start Menu and Desktop
Using Drag and
WinZip Quick Pick
taskbar tray icon
Explorer context menu
Enhancements (Configuration)
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