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Explorer Enhancements (Configuration)

Select the Explorer Enhancements tab from the Configuration Dialog Box to control WinZip's® Windows Explorer enhancements.

You can disable all of the Explorer enhancements by clearing the checkbox labeled Enable Explorer enhancements (including additional Drag and Drop features). If this box is checked, you can control the enhancements individually as follows:


Check for self-extracting CAB files

When the WinZip Explorer context menu is displayed for an EXE file, WinZip can check to see if it is a self-extracting CAB file. This operation can take a few seconds; you can use the following options to control whether or not it is performed on various types of media.

Display comment tooltips for Zip files

When the mouse pointer is hovered over a Zip file in a Windows Explorer or My Computer window, WinZip can display a tooltip containing basic information about the Zip file, including the number of files in the Zip file and the Zip file comment. This operation can take a few seconds; you can use the following options to control whether or not it is performed on various types of media.

Context menu commands

You can use this list to enable or disable many of the WinZip Explorer context menu entries individually. Check the appropriate checkbox to include a command in the WinZip menu, or clear it to remove the command from the menu (see Explorer Context Menu Enhancements for descriptions of the individual commands).

Note: the command labeled Open unassociated archives with WinZip corresponds to the submenu entry Open with WinZip that appears for self-extracting archives, certain media player "skin" files, etc.

Related Topics (other Configuration tabs):

View   Toolbar   Folders   System   Program Locations   E-mail   Miscellaneous

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