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Miscellaneous (Configuration)
Select the Miscellaneous tab from the Configuration Dialog Box to control these
- Next time start with the Wizard interface - Whether WinZip®
should use the Wizard interface the next time it is started.
- Automatically show the Open Archive dialog box - Whether WinZip
should automatically show the Open Archive dialog
box when you start WinZip.
Show Add dialog when dropping files on:
- An archive in Explorer - Controls whether or not a dialog is
displayed when you drop files on an archive in Explorer. If checked, WinZip
displays an Add dialog, which allows you to specify various options to be used
during the archiving process. If not checked, the files are simply added to the
archive and no dialog is displayed.
- An open WinZip window - Controls whether or not a dialog is displayed
when you drop files from Explorer on a WinZip window. If checked, WinZip
displays an Add dialog, which allows you to specify various options to be used
during the archiving process. If not checked, the files are simply added to the
open archive and no dialog is displayed. Note: if no archive is open, WinZip
must display the dialog even if this checkbox is not checked because you will
need to use it to specify an archive name.
Check for Updates
- Check automatically every ... - Specifies that you want
WinZip to automatically check for the availability of a new final or
service release of WinZip.
Use the combo box to specify how frequently you want WinZip to check; for
example, choose "week" if you'd like WinZip to automatically
check for an update once a week.
After the time period has passed, WinZip will check to see
if an update is available and notify you.
- Ask before checking, once a week - Approximately
every week, WinZip will ask if you would like to check for the
availability of an update.
- Do not check for updates - WinZip will not check for updates
automatically or ask if you would like to do so. You can always check for
updates manually by choosing Check for Update from the Help
menu, by clicking Check for Update from the WinZip About box, or by
returning to the Configuration dialog and clicking Check for Update
- Check for Update Now - Click this button to have WinZip check for
the availability of an update now. WinZip will check for an update and
display a dialog telling you whether or not one is available.
Note: WinZip does not transmit any personally identifiable
information during the Check for Updates process. For further information,
please see the
WinZip web
- Windows Explorer-style Extract dialog box - This feature determines
whether the Extract dialog box contains a tree
view control or the Windows 3.1 style folder control.
- TAR file smart CR/LF conversion - When selected, this option
determines if "smart" CR/LF conversion should be performed when
extracting from TAR files. CR/LF is short for Carriage Return/Line Feed, the
standard end of line indicator. This option can be useful when a TAR file
contains text files created on a Unix or Macintosh machine. Unix text files
usually contain lines ending in Line Feed characters only, and Macintosh text
files usually contain lines ending in a Carriage Return character. The standard
Windows Notepad program and many other Windows programs require a Carriage
Return and Line Feed at the end of each line. When the TAR File smart
CR/LF conversion option is in effect, WinZip determines whether to perform
CR/LF conversion file inside a TAR file by looking at the first 80 characters in
each file. If the file is a text file then single LF and CR characters are
converted to CR/LF pairs so the file can be viewed by Notepad and other Windows
viewers. Files are considered text when the first 80 bytes contain only
characters with ASCII values between 0x20 and 0x7f, carriage returns, line
feeds, form feeds, tabs, and other alphanumeric characters (as determined by the
Windows IsCharAlphaNumeric API).
- Always have WinZip on top - When checked, WinZip is assigned the
"always on top" attribute, so that it is not overlaid by normal
- Beep after long archive operations - WinZip will beep after archive
operations that take more than one second to complete when this option is
- Smart DOC file handling - "Smart DOC Handling" is enabled
when selected. This feature is described in the section titled Double Clicking.
- Use Recycle Bin for move operations - When checked, if you select the
Move (and replace) files action in the Add dialog box, WinZip will put
files in the Recycle Bin instead of deleting them.
- Prompt when View button is pushed - Unchecking this option will
bypass the View dialog.
- Desktop theme/screen saver installer - When checked, the Desktop Theme Installer and the Screen Saver Installer are enabled.
When unchecked, WinZip treats Zip files containing desktop themes or screen
savers as normal Zip files.
- Show comments when opening Zip files - When checked, WinZip will
automatically display the Zip comment when you open a Zip file that contains a
- Display status dialog for long operations - When checked, WinZip
displays an animated progress dialog during lengthy archive operations. The
dialog allows you to minimize WinZip while the operation is in progress or to
cancel the operation.
- Prompt before running WinZip jobs - When checked, WinZip will
display a dialog warning the user that jobs should be run only from a
trusted source.
- Store extended time stamps in Zip files - When checked, WinZip will
now store and restore more accurate NTFS extended time stamps.
- Number of files in recent file list - Sets the number of files that
appear in the list of recently used files in the File menu. You can set this to
any number from 1 to 9.
- Restore all caution messages - Click this button to
restore all caution dialogs that you have turned off (a caution dialog is
"turned off" by checking its "Do not display this dialog in the
future" checkbox).
Related Topics (other Configuration tabs):
Explorer Enhancements
Program Locations
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