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Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I report bugs?

Please e-mail any errors in the interests of continual FlashGet improvement and refinement. In your mail please specify:
* The URL to file which you tried to download.
* Which operating system you are running.
* The copy of log for the troublesome download.
* The FlashGet version you are using.
* An error description

If an illegal operation occurred please include the fault details.

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How do I bypass a FlashGet download?

Check Disable Monitor Browser in the Drop Zone or Tray context (right-click) menu.

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Some windows (like the main job list window) don't display information. What's wrong?
Run regedit, and delete the following key in your registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JetCar\JetCar\Main Frame

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How download from can be configured to use FlashGet, but it takes a few steps to set it up.
(Before any of these steps, you of course need to sign up with
Log on to your FreeDrive account.

Switch to the Administration tab in FreeDrive, then pick the "Edit My Profile" item.
Uncheck the "Auto Download" item on your profile.
Log out, then log back in.
Now, when you pick to download a file in FreeDrive the popup window will have a "Download Now" link. Just Drag it to FlashGet drop zone or select "Download using FlashGet" from context menu

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The "Download All By FlashGet" and "Download using FlashGet" options don't work
Reinstall FlashGet and then run FlashGet again. Restart your browser. Also make sure you don't install FlashGet in a directory containing non-English characters.

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No IE monitoring (click detection) at all. What's wrong?
Click "Default Manager" on Options/Monitor and restart your computer. If still have problem make sure Download All by FlashGet and Download using FlashGet options are enabled. Refer to the above question.
Due to the enormous amount of software that monitor browser clicks, there are often conflicts that leads to undetected browser clicks. FlashGet is capable of using two different IE monitoring methods. Switch to the other method if the first one doesn't work. It's recommended you to restart the computer after doing this. If only part of the clicks were not detected, it is because IE did not transfer the URL to clipboard. URL tracking will be improved by using an additional method in future versions.


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When using IE5.5, after FlashGet monitors clicks, IE displays a error page. What's wrong?

Monitor method 1 does not work with IE 5.5 very well, please switch to method 2.

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What's diffrent of method1 and method2 ?
Use diffrent mechanism. Due to the enormous amount of software that monitor browser clicks, there are often conflicts that leads to undetected browser clicks. FlashGet is capable of using two different IE monitoring methods. Switch to the other method if the first one doesn't work. It's recommended you to restart the computer after doing this.

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Socket Error 1006x
Make sure your internet connection is OK, (if using proxy server, please make sure that all the setting are correct). The problem might have been caused by connecting using too many Jets, do not try to download too many file simultaneously. If the error occur in only part of the sites, it's probably because the site is down, download the file at an other time.

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Cannot create or open file

Make sure the directory exists and is not corrupted. Please use Scandisk to check and fix problems on the hard drive.

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Clicking on X only minimizes FlashGet.

FlashGet was designed like this. Its main purpose is to prevent user from accidentally closing down the program. If you want to shut it down completely, right-click on the FlashGet icon in your traybar and choose Exit. Add the following entry to the registry table if you wish to close it down when clicking on the X Close button rather than minimizing it

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Why doesn't FlashGet include ranking download system like other download managers do?

FlashGet's download system is quite different to the others. FlashGet arranges download jobs in top-to-bottom order; higher positioned jobs get downloaded before lower positioned jobs. We think this is much more intuitive. You can rearrange the order by selecting jobs and press the Up or Down arrow on the toolbar. Hold down the Ctrl key when clicking Up or Down and you can move jobs directly to the top or the bottom in a convenient single step. Use Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple files.

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How come some files can ONLY be downloaded by using the browser?

Some sites only allow you to download files from specific browsers. Go to Tools menu, Options... , then Protocol and set User-Agent as Internet Explorer 5.x;. This allows FlashGet to identify itself as IE5.x. Some other sites restrict users to use a referrer page. If that's the case, enter the referrer page URL under job Properties. As an example, there's a link to the FlashGet file on The referrer in this case would be

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I'm using Mircosoft's proxy server software. The user name and the password are correct, but the download doesn't start.
FlashGet only supports basic authentication. In order to successfully use FlashGet with MS Proxy Server you can
Enable basic authentication on the MS Proxy Server (if you have privileges to administrate it). Install to your local computer the MS Proxy Winsock Client which will logon to MS Proxy server so you can use FlashGet (usually, the installation routine for it can be found at \\proxy-server-name\mspclnt\setup.exe)

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How do I use FlashGet? How do I use a proxy server?
Go to the Tools menu, click on Options... then Proxy. Check both HTTP and FTP Default to direct connection, or add your own Proxy server address (ask your network administrator for it) by clicking on Add That's all you have to do. Now you can use FlashGet to download files. If you're uncertain how to add files to the download list, refer to Adding jobs If FlashGet still doesn't download after you have successfully added jobs to the job list and pressed Start, then you have to ask your network administrator for a Proxy server address and its port.

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How do I make FlashGet invoke my Virus scanner and scan downloaded files automatically?
Go to the Tools menu, then Options... , then File Manager. Select the Use virus scanner to scan the downloaded file(s) checkbox. Now specify the path of the required exe file and its instruction variable. For example:
McAfee AntiVirus C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan95\scan95, args /autoscan /nosplash
Norton AntiVirus C:\Program Files\Norton Antivirus\navw32.exe, Args (empty)
Alternatively, right-click on any downloaded jobs and choose Virus Scan.

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How come the speed decreases when 99% were done?
Most time when downloading is nearly finished, there're only 1 or 2 ants working, and they may encounter congestions and timouts.

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DLL required and a device not functioning problems (especially in Windows95)
These occur because some DLLs required by FlashGet do not exist or are not the right version. Please install DCOM98 for Windows98 or DCOM95 for Windows95.

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Failed to create empty document occurs when running FlashGet.
1.Install a new version of Microsoft's Common Control
2. Install DCOM98 for Windows98 or DCOM95 for Windows95.

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How to use FlashGet's management features? How to set default download folder?
FlashGet can categorize downloaded files and place them in specified folders, each category has its own directory. For example the category MP3's default hard drive directory is c:\download\mp3. When placing a file into MP3, the actual file will be placed in c:\download\mp3. All downloaded jobs can be moved to any category, moving the actual file to the folder in the process. Downloaded is the default category. Changing its hard drive directory changes the default download directory as well. It's not recommended you change any default download category.

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I download from an FTP server with broken downloads (resume) support via a proxy server, but FlashGet always starts downloading from the beginning. Why?
The proxy-server might not be supporting resume (like Microsoft Proxy Server). If this is the case, you should try to use direct connection or Winsock-client.

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What is the PASV mode (passive mode)?
Usually, when retrieving files over FTP, two connections are used. One for commands and one for data. Command connection is set by the client and the data connection is set by server. In some cases (when using firewall for instance) both connections have to be set by the client. In such a cases the server goes to passive mode when a PASV command is sent from the client.

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I can't retrieve a file from an FTP server! What can I do?

If you are connected to Internet through a firewall/proxy server, please enable PASV mode in FlashGet by going to Tools > Optons... > Proxy and editing your proxy connection there.

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"Unexpect file format" occurs when Flashget run?
Default download datebase(default.jcd) is corrupted, please use backup download database(default.bk1,default,bk2,default.bk3) recover it.

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How download files one by one?
Set "Max simultaneous jobs" to 1 in "Options/Connections", start all files which you want download, files will download one by one.

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What is FlashGet?
FlashGet features

Installing FlashGet.
Updating FlashGet.
Uninstalling FlashGet

Quick Start
Getting started with FlashGet in a hurry.

Managing download jobs
Getting info on the properties of your downloads, and learning about the different ways to get FlashGet to do its stuff.

What's the meaning behind those funny icons?

The FlashGet menu items explained.

Managing files
Getting those files organized.

Interface settings
Doing things your way. Changing this and that for a better FlashGet experience.

Tools > Options. All those tabs explained! This is the heart of FlashGet.

Site Explorer
Browse Ftp&Http Site.

Frequently-Asked Questions.

Credit where credit is due.


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