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Flash Saver - Brief Introduction

Flash Saver is designed to save Flash animations from web browser to local hard disk. It can detect Flash animations from any web page or search from local cache files.

Flash Saver can preview Flash animations before downloading. Moreover, it classifies Flash animations into different categories like Game, Cartoon, MTV, Fun, Movies, etc.

Flash Saver provides many convenient methods to help you save flash files:

Method A: save Flash files from a floating shortcut bar.

Method B: save Flash files from context menu of Internet Explorer.

Method C: search Flash files in local cache files.

Click here for more methods...

Flash SaverTM, a product of BraveWorld Networks

Menu Helpful Links
Help: Brief introduction
Help: Main features
Help: Install & uninstall
Help: User insterface
Help: How to save Flash files
Help: Settings
Help: FAQ
Help: Purchase & register
Help: Contact us --- Flash Saver Homepage --- Free Flash Games & Videos

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