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Projetex 2006 Workstation has a variety of options providing quick access to your Projetex 2006 files.
There no need to find and open folders manually to get or save files: to access clients', projects', corporate or freelance experts' folders click the corresponding icon from the Navigation panel:
In the window displayed you will find variety of tools for files managing. For example, on clicking Client Folders icon the Client Folders window opens:
The window is similar to the Microsoft® Windows Explorer window, but it has special features:
If the Clients folder was not created yet, the button panel under the window caption looks like this: To create the Clients folder click Create button. Future location of the folder is displayed on the right. After the Clients folder was created, Create button appears dimmed, while Explore and Search buttons become available. Click Explore button to open Clients folder in a separate Microsoft® Windows Explorer window. Click Search button to search for files and folders in the Clients folder using Microsoft Windows Search.
In the left part of the Client Folders window the structure of the Clients folder is displayed: Click Click
In the right part of the Files page of the Client window the content of the folder, selected on the left. Use little square buttons with icons for management of sub folders of the client folder. Starting from the very left:
You may work with separate folders of each client, project or expert in a separate window. To open client's folder, for example, click Client icon in Projetex 2006 Workstation Navigator, open Main page, select Client and go to the Files page. You can create clients' folder manually from the Files page of the Client window or from the Main page of the Client window.
Working with projects' and experts' folders is similar.
Edit windows for quotes, projects, experts, jobs etc. are provided with special panels (as the one described here) containing Create and Explore buttons. For example:
Using Open Folders drop-down list from the button panel of Projetex 2006 Workstation interface you can easily switch between the folders opened during the current TO3000 working session. Any folder you open using Projetex 2006 (using Explore buttons) is automatically added to the list. When you need to switch, just select the necessary folder in the drop-down list and click Go button.
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