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TBaseReport. NoPrinters method |
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Declaration function NoPrinters: Boolean;
Description This function will return true if there are no printers defined in the current Windows system and false if there are. TRvRenderPrinter will not function without an installed printer driver; however, TRvNDRWriter and TRvRenderPreview will still work.
See also TBaseReport Class, NoPrinterPageHeight, NoPrinterPageWidth
Example (Delphi) // Set up for landscape paper if NoPrinters then begin NoPrinterPageHeight := 8.5; NoPrinterPageWidth := 11.0; end; { if }
Example (C++Builder) if (rp1->NoPrinters()) { rp1->NoPrinterPageHeight = 8.5; rp1->NoPrinterPageWidth = 11.0; }/ if |
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