The TRvRenderPrinter component takes a file generated by a TRvNDRWriter component and sends it to the current printer. TRvRenderPrinter is often used to do a print from the preview screen. TRvRenderPrinter is a simple component but does have methods and properties to customize the selection of what gets printed.
Properties and Events
FileName is the name of the report file generated by TRvNDRWriter if StreamMode is smMemory or smFile. A stream mode of smUser is used when the programmer wants to provide their own stream object (any descendent of TStream will work) by assigning it to the Stream property of TRvNDRWriter, TRvRenderPrinter and/or TRvRenderPreview. There are no events for TRvRenderPrinter. To send a report file to the printer call the Execute or ExecuteCustom methods.
Events Derived from TBaseReport
OnAfterPrint, OnBeforePrint, OnDecodeImage, OnNewColumn, OnNewPage, OnPrint, OnPrintFooter, OnPrintHeader, OnPrintPage
Methods Derived from TBaseReport
Abort, AbortPage, AdjustLine, AllowAll, AllowPreviewOnly, AllowPrinterOnly, Arc, AssignFont, BrushCopy, CalcGraphicHeight, CalcGraphicWidth, Chord, ClearAllTabs, ClearColumns, ClearTabs, CopyRect, CR, Create, CreateBrush, CreateFont, CreatePen, CreatePoint, CreateRect, Destroy, DrawFocusRect, Draw, Ellipse, Execute, FillRect, Finish, FinishTabBox, FloodFill, FrameRect, GetMemoLine, GetNextLine, GetTab, GotoFooter, GotoHeader, GotoXY, GraphicFieldToBitmap, Home, LF, LinesLeft, LineTo, Macro, MemoLines, MoveTo, NewColumn, NewLine, NewPage, NoPrinters, Pie, Polygon, Polyline, PopFont, PopPos, PopTabs, Print, PrintBitmap, PrintBitmapRect, PrintBlock, PrintCenter, PrintCharJustify, PrintData, PrintDataStream, PrintFooter, PrintHeader, PrintImageRect, PrintJustify, PrintLeft, PrintLn, PrintMemo, PrintRight, PrintTab, PrintXY, PushFont, PushPos, PushTabs, RecoverPrinter, Rectangle, RegisterGraphic, ReleasePrinter, Reset, ResetLineHeight, ResetPrinter, ResetSection, ResetTabs, RestoreFont, RestorePos, RestoreTabs, ReuseGraphic, RoundRect, SaveFont, SavePos, SaveTabs, SelectBin, SelectPaper, SelectPrinter, SetBrush, SetColumns, SetColumnWidth, SetFont, SetPaperSize, SetPen, SetPIVar, SetTab, SetTopOfPage, ShadeToColor, ShowPrintDialog, ShowPrinterSetupDialog, Start, StretchDraw, SupportBin, SupportCollate, SupportDuplex, SupportOrientation, SupportPaper, Tab, TabEnd, TabStart, TabWidth, TextRect, TextWidth, UnregisterGraphic, UpdateStatus, XD2U, XI2D, XI2U, XU2D, XU2I, YD2I, YD2U, YI2D, YI2U, YU2D, YU2I
Properties Derived from TRvRenderPrinter
Properties Derived from TBaseReport
Aborted, AccuracyMethod, AscentHeight, Bins, BKColor, Bold, BottomWaste, BoxLineColor, Canvas, Collate, ColumnEnd, ColumnLinesLeft, ColumnNum, Columns, ColumnStart, ColumnWidth, Copies, CurrentPage, CurrentPass, CursorXPos, CursorYPos, DescentHeight, DeviceName, DevMode, DriverName, Duplex, FileName, FirstPage, FontAlign, FontBaseline, FontBottom, FontCharset, FontColor, FontHandle, FontHeight, FontName, FontPitch, FontRotation, Fonts, FontSize, FontTop, FontWidth, FrameMode, GridVert, Italic, LastPage, LeftWaste, LineBottom, LineHeight, LineHeightMethod, LineMiddle, LineNum, LinesPerInch, LineTop, MacroData, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MaxCopies, NoBufferLine, NoNTColorFix, NoPrinterPageHeight, NoPrinterPageWidth, Orientation, OriginX, OriginY, OutputInvalid, OutputName, PageHeight, PageInvalid, PageWidth, Papers, PIVar, Port, PrinterIndex, Printers, Printing, ReportDateTime, RightWaste, ScaleX, ScaleY, SectionBottom, SectionLeft, SectionRight, SectionTop, Selection, ShadowDepth, StatusFormat, StatusLabel, StatusText, Stream, StreamMode, Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript, TabColor, TabJustify, TabShade, TextBKMode, Title, TopWaste, TotalPasses, TransparentBitmaps, TruncateText, Underline, Units, UnitsFactor, XDPI, XPos, YDPI, YPos
Properties Derived from TRpComponent